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Mexican Truffle (Huitlacoche)





oaxacan cheese

blue corn

Huitlacoche is also known as Mexican truffle, corn mushroom, corn must, and is a delicacy in Mexico. It's a fungus formed on the corn cob, often times a result of the rainy season, and feeds off of the corn as it grows. No, its not poisonous, toxic, or a psychedelic; it's like a mushroom and has a long history in Aztec and Zuni culinary history.

Today, in the US, it is treated as an infestation, where in Mexico, it's welcomed with a smile.

Aztecs used it for mysticism and as an aphrodesiac, while the Zuni often used it to induce labor in pregnant women.

In Nahuatl it means "raven's excrement"

I, however, need no aphrodesiac and I am not pregnant - so I'm using them for quesadillas.

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